Conference Papers
(*= equal contribution)
- [USENIX ATC'24] "An Empirical Study of Rust-for-Linux: The Success, Dissatisfaction and Compromise", Hongyu Li*, Liwei Guo*, Yexuan Yang, Shangguang Wang, and Mengwei Xu. Best Paper Award!!
- [ASPLOS'23] "Efficient NLP Inference at the Edge via Elastic Pipelining", Liwei Guo, Wonkyo Choe, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin.
- [EUROSYS'22] "Minimum Viable Device Drivers for ARM TrustZone", Liwei Guo, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin.
- [USENIX ATC'19] "Transkernel: Bridging Monolithic Kernels to Peripheral Cores", Liwei Guo, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin.
- [EUROSYS'18] "Power SandBox: Power Awareness Redefined", Liwei Guo*, Tiantu Xu*, Mengwei Xu, Xuanzhe Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin.
- [HotMobile'16] "Decelerating Suspend and Resume in OS," Shuang Zhai, Liwei Guo, Xiangyu Li, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin.
Journal Papers
Still waiting for my first journal paper :)